So today was family time! I originally was going to go to a brunch but dear hubby told me he really wanted to spend time with us, he's so SWEET! So, we decided to go take Kaiden to Chucke Cheese! His first time! It was ok, but very dissapointing. He couldn't really do much and his attention span is there and gone, so he'd basically put in a token stay for a second, and jet! LOL! But OH WELL! And just in case you don't know, the tickets are a scam! You can buy the toys cheaper than winning them. I guess everyone probably knows that, but I didn't think it would be this ridiculous. So we got up to the counter and only had 80 tickets and we looked at all the things we could get and saw 1 small basket full of plastic spiders and things that cost 2 cents a piece! So, we ended up buying them 2 small rubber footballs, which they both LOVED, and gave our tickets to a cute little girl!

Doesn't Kaiden look happy? HAHA! We made him eat pizza, horrible horrible thing, before he got to play! Bad mommy and daddy I know! :) So then they were off. Kalan and I hung out and actually tasted our food, as opposed as swallowing it whole, and I fed him some delicious baby food. Then we went and followed the 2 boys around as they darted from game to game! I think the game Kaiden liked the most was the one's where you throw the balls into the holes and rack up points. He likes to throw things! We only saw the mouse 1 time and didn't get to catch him in time for a picture, but that's ok, Kaiden saw him and really wasn't too interested.

Mee-Maw stopped by when we first got there, she timed it perfectly! She was there doing something at the mall I think! So we snapped a pic and then the kids were off! And this picture of Kaiden is too funny. He got up into this train slide thing and every picture I took he was banging on the glass saying HELP, because all the kids were doing it!

All and all it was a great outing for everyone, until poor Kalan was drenched by mommy. Yes it's true, I'm a bad mommy! Dennis was taking Kaiden to the bathroom and had me hold his pop while I was trying to pay for the 2 balls. We were waiting in line FOREVER and I bent over to get Kalan and the darn pop spilled all over the boy, well mainly on his leg/booty. AND THE PEOPLE NEXT TO US WERE LAUGHING! As my poor baby was crying! People are ridiculous! No workers even offered to help me clean it up or anything! I had to leave Kalan crying soaked and go to a table and get a thing full of napkins! I just left the ice, cup and napkins laying on the floor after I finished. I assumed they could at least clean up a mess, since they couldn't give me anything to clean it up myself. HOOKERS! An eventful day! But fun and both boys took a nap when we got home, tuckered out from the excitement. But I do have to say, we probably aren't going to go back there anytime soon. It just wasn't really worth the price and Kaiden wasn't into it. But it is so nice to be together as a family again!!