Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa Was Here!

So Santa was here! Kaiden got a card from Nana that had a place setting for cookies, milk, and a snack for the reindeer. So we set that out for santa and his reindeer. Daddy read the night before Christmas and it took a bit of coaxing, but we eventually got Kaiden to sleep. To Kalan it was just another day! LOL!

Then this morning bright and early at 7am!! The kiddo's embarked on finding what Santy left! SO Many toys! With more to come! We're headed to Mee-Maw's right now for more! Kalan LOVED ripping the presents apart!! That's the best part for him. Kaiden loved all the toys, even Kalan's! :)

And here it is! The toy we heard the most about. "Santa's going to bring me a tar!", the words Kaiden said everyday until Christmas. Well here it is, Kaiden rockin out on his Tar!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Kalan's Army Crawl

So, Kalan has been crawling for a month or so now and still, has not stopped his Army crawling!! I took this video when he first started, but just figured out how to get it on here from photobucket, because my camera files are too big to load straight up. I think it's hilarious Kaiden calling Kalan more than me. He's good at that and does it all the time. But it's the best when he doesn't wear any pants, which he does all the time, and Kalan goes straigt to grab his Mr. Pee-pee!! HAHA! Kalan is Grabby McGrabbers!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Santa Clause

So today Kaiden and Kalan saw Santa Clause! Kaiden was ecstatic and Kalan could care less. Kalan was very tired and cranky by the time Santa decided to grace us with his presence though. We had gotten there right as he went on an hour break. So we had to be around for an hour and Kalan was already on his way to being cranky. Then we get there and they got a decent pic at first, but then I made the mistake of asking if they could try to get one of Kalan smiling also. Well, they weren't fast enough and missed him smiling and then he got upset. Well, he was like half smiling mostly being upset in the pic that they picked to print! They called this a smile??!! I was upset and said couldn't I get the 1st one? They said well this is the only one with the baby smiling and we already printed your pictures. And well, This mall is nuts with their picture prices. What happened to being able to get 1 pic with Santa for like 5 bucks? Ok, maybe 10 now, but they have crazy packages and you can't even buy 1 you have to get a package. The cheapest one is 16!! Oh well! Kaiden got all shy when Santa was talking to him! LOL! But he was happy and the pic is ok. It's so cute, Kaiden talks about Santa all the time. But the whole, if your not good Santa isn't coming thing, doesn't work yet. He keeps talking about a guitar. It's the ONLY thing he's told me he wants from Santa so I've gotta go get one of those. I thought he would have forgotten about it, but he reminds me EVERYDAY, all day, that Santa is going to bring him a tar! LOL! HO HO HO Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


So, I wasn't planning on being able to go home this month as I had hoped to, but Santa brought me a present that REALLY helped and the rest I put on the CC instead of waiting to save up for it. Dennis has to work, so it was only 2 tickets. Yes, I'm sure everyone knows how the GAY airlines charge full price for a 2 year old, but I'd just like to point out that I'm not happy about it at all. Anywho, so we leave on the 26th bright and early and come back on the 1st around 5pm. I'm excited. My family is super excited. They are sad they don't get to see Dennis, but are ecstatic they get to see the kiddo's!! I'm going to be SUPER busy though, trying to get a visit into everyone. That should be interesting, but well worth it. I can't wait! I'm sorry Maryland, but I DESPERATELY needed a break from you!!! And in addition, if anyone cares, I still have 20 lbs left to lose from Kalan's booty that is SUPER glued to my body. I started running today again, ignoring the agonizing pain in my back and the numb foot, because I don't know what else to do! I have about 5-10 more lbs before I can fully fit back into my regular clothes without doing the infamous tug and pull on everything! LOL! Oh, and the not drying of anything, so they don't shrink back!! LOL! Anyways, I just thought I'd add that in so no one would be surprised when they saw my big booty walking through the door! LOL!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Beware of the Stairs!!!

I just had the scariest moment EVER, while holding Kalan!! I had just put Kaiden to bed and forgot Kalan's pacifier downstairs, so we go down to get it, but at the 1st step of the decent, my bare foot got no traction and slipped out from under me and I slid on my right side and butt cheek all the way down to the bottom of the stairs. There was no stopping it and I was holding Kalan the whole way, terrified he was going to get hurt!! He was crying, but he never came into contact with anything but me holding him tight, so I think the extremely bumpy and fast ride freaked him out, because as soon as he got his pacifier he was fine. So, after I changed underwear, HAHA not really , I began to chuckle a bit. Classic Tarin clumsy act huh? THANK GOD I didn't really get hurt or the baby. And ironically, almost everytime I go down the stairs with Kalan in arm, I imagine that happening, so that's another reason why I was so terrified going down. I was trying to get traction with my feet going down, but nothin was stopping that train!! MAN, my side HURTS!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Poor Oklahoma!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Apparently The Good Ol' Pres declared Oklahoma in a state of emergency on the 10th!! Ton's of people are without electricity and ice is NUTS!

For once it's good to NOT be home!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

We Got Elfed!

Merry Christmas Ya'll!

As Promised!

So here they are! The "better Pics by the tree. Kalan's came out surprisingly good, considering how bad my camera sucks, but not without taking a MILLION! Kaiden's and the ones of them both, however, had no such luck. Kaiden used to LOVE taking pictures, but now he's a little booger and don't sit still long enough to do anything! So all of the one's with Kaiden in them were not very good and the rare ones that were good, were so blurry you couldn't tell what the heck was going on!! Eventually the kids made such a fuss, so I had to give up. :( But hope you enjoy them! Oh, and if you ever want to save any of these to your comp, just right click, save picture as, and save them. Then you can go to walmart.com and have them printed or just put em on your computer, whatever you want!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Had to Brag on My Sweet Hubby!

So today was a great day!! I had an anatomy lab test bright and early at 8:30 and then I found out what I got on my Chemistry test later on. I was FLOORED when I found out I got a 99% on my Chemistry test!! Seriously, that's amazing! Then I found out just now that I got a 99% on my Lab test!! WOOHOO! Seriously, I give it all up to God!! Then I come home to an emaculatently clean house, laundry done and a made bed! With this on it!!!

AWW! How sweet is my Dennis!! Today has been a great day!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Time

So we put up our tree today. As of right now all it has on it are the lights, because we are unsure where exactly the ornaments are stored. We had to go to storage today to get the Tree, but thought the ornaments were up in Kaidens closet. Getting the tree was funny, because now that we've downgraded in size of vehicle from the burban to the altima, we couldn't get the tree to fit in the car, so we had to drive home with the trunk open!! I found it funny. So I put the tree up and the lights and tried to get some good pics in front of it, but it was incredibly impromptu, but as if it matters anyways, my camera enjoys focusing on the objects in the scenery as opposed to the person! Oh well, I think we got some cute ones and when it's actually finished I'll get some better ones! Christmas time is coming. We got the kids presents and Mee-Maw has REALLY spoiled them boys! They'll be so happy! And I know Kalan is going to LOVE tearing open the presents. I have 2 tests tomorrow, so I'm off to study.

Saturday, December 1, 2007