Friday, July 11, 2008

Tagged by Penny

I am not intelligent enough to discover how to do those nifty links and all you see is the person's name!! SO:

Penny tagged me to post 6 random things about myself

1) I looked in the mirror at my body the other day and gasped!!! I have an ICKY post prego body!! I can't wait until I get some funds for el tummy tucko!

2) I have recently realized that I am such a mom, because I now say things like, SHUT THE FRONT DOOR, and spell out bad words or things I don't want little ears to hear like, McDonalds and the Pool! HAHAH!

3) I constantly question my sanity and wonder if the actions/decisions I make for my darlings are going to royaly screw them up...SCARY STUFF!

4) I think FAR TOO FAR into the future! I am already thinking about my graduation party location from Nursing school!! LOL!

5) I miss my motorcycle dearly. Everytime I see a crotch-rocket, I YEARN FOR IT!

6) We are currently living on complete faith with our bank account and bills! We never really know how most things are going to be paid. We have the big things covered usually, but our bank account hits Zilch and then GOD amazingly fills it up just enough again! We are amazingly blessed!

I NOW TAG: Jessi and Lacy...I have no one else to tag LOL!

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