Friday, July 11, 2008


EVERYONE that lives in the MD area, please READ!!!

"I wanted to let everyone know about a scam that is going on in Salisbury. I had 2 teenage girls stop by our home on Monday evening about 4:30pm. They handed me a laminated flyer of books and magazines they said they were selling to earn points for a trip at their college. The girls said they were my neighbors down the street. They also said that they were sponsored by Barnes and Noble and suggesting that you buy the books, then donate them to Johns Hopkins. They will say ANYTHING to get money out of you. In my case, they told me it was for Autism research….they probably read my bumper sticker. They will ask if you have pets, a dog for example. Do not leave your animal out in the yard because they will steal your dog and sell it for money. They showed me a receipt and said that “this is what your neighbors are spending” ($110). They will say anything to “relate” to make you feel guilty to give them money. When I told them I could not afford anything, they asked me if I could do half, I said no, then they tried to get me to make a contribution and they would come back and wash my car. I did not give them anything, but my aide just called me and told me that this is a scam. Another lady she works for got hit as well as her neighbor and she’s reported it to the police, I did also. Apparently, there is a man that there is a warrant out for his arrest…he collects kids on drugs or who are homeless, promises them a hotel or food, make a little money etc. and then drops a group of them off in developments to go door to door. This man is dangerous and I’m told that these kids are known to seek revenge also if you do not donate. So make sure your home and cars are locked up and that your animals are kept inside when you are not out with them, and of course children too. To think that I felt guilty not giving them money, then to find out it was a scam. I reported it to the police as soon as I found out. They are hitting Salisbury hard. Report anything suspicious. Alert your neighbors."
This is by the blog:


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