Not sure if anyone even follows us anymore! LOL! I haven't updated in an eternity! I'm living in Claremore with the bebes and we have the cutest house ever with a nice yard and I'm nursing!! Just starting a new job that pays more and gives me more time with the boys. Both boys are in school now! Kaiden is 6 and in 1st grade. His teacher is Mrs. Self and she was my first grade teacher!! Kalan is 4 in Pre K and his teacher is Mrs. Fleming. The boys are a hoot! Kaiden is learning to read so well! And Kalan is obsessed with manors and what he learns in school its hilarious! I'm on a hiatus from men for a bit. After me and the Ex hubby split he started dating one of my friends and I was single for a while and then dated this guy but that didn't work out. I'm pretty content with being alone. Still got guys that are comin after me, but you know what they want! LOL! UGHH! Will men ever change and grow up? And I'm not into the whole lesbian deal so my option left is single, working, and my bebes! I love them so! My family is here so thats great! My sister and me are closer than I ever thought possible! My mom and me talk me and my dad not so much, but that's another story! I'm on Facebook! Find me and you can see our pics!
The Keener Family
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Sunday, February 28, 2010
End of the Keener Family as we know it....
We are splitting up.... :( It's not the ideal situation, but the only option left for us. Our kids are our main concern and this will be the best for them. Keep us in your prayers please.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
So, I haven't Posted in forever, because this semester has been a beast! We've been busy busy! I had my job as a Nurse Tech over the summer in the E.R. at the local Hospital here, PRMC. It was/is AWESOME! I love it! I am standby, so I only have to work 12 hours a month and if the budget allows, when I graduate I'll work there as a RN! I'm workin more over this winter break to get some extra $ as the waitin biz is low on dough right now! We were really lookin into buying a house, but they don't look at my income I would be making, so we were only approved for 120,000 which here is a 2 bedroom run down shack! So, we are waiting until the summer to buy. We were wanting these townhouses in Berlin, but those are going to be way too much money for way too little room. They were going to have basements, finished, but then they did soil testing and it was a no go. We do have a house in mind with 3 acres....and if it's in God's'll still be there! LOL! This semester of school was ridiculous! Psych was the hardest class ever and I almost got a C, but I pulled out a B, thanks to many prayers and Gods Love! and got an A in my clinicals. My GPA however keeps suffering because my clinicals are worth less than the lectures BOOOO! And now I'm having Grad school issues! The local school here keeps extending graduation dates because enough people are not in the program, but they are only allowing 2 transfer classes, so if they dont offer the class, then the grad students have no choice but to extend and just wait to take it when they offer it! I personally think it's ridiculous. But the closest school is in Baltimore or Deleware. I could go online, but it's 3 times as much money! I wish I was rich! BLAHHHH! SCHOOOOOLLLL BOOOOOOO!!!

My Daddy's Wifey came to visit! And she got a GREAT shot of the boys!!!

B4 the game started
And Dennis found out that he has a brother!! John is his dad's son and found Dennis on Facebook! They've been Besties ever since! John has since cut his hair and looks much better! LOL! But they are so much alike! THEY BOTH ARE OBSESSED WITH THE RAVENS! LOL! They have a lot of the same body language, that they do subconciously! They also look like twins often, but especially if you cover up Johns eyes and look at the lower half of his face, it's Dennis, or should I say their dad! LOL! We're excited! John is an awesome addition to the fam and he's a great UNCLE too!!

John, Me, and Denny in SUSPENSE as the Ravens and Steelers were playin!

Last Day of Ped's Clinical!
My Daddy's Wifey came to visit! And she got a GREAT shot of the boys!!!
B4 the game started
And Dennis found out that he has a brother!! John is his dad's son and found Dennis on Facebook! They've been Besties ever since! John has since cut his hair and looks much better! LOL! But they are so much alike! THEY BOTH ARE OBSESSED WITH THE RAVENS! LOL! They have a lot of the same body language, that they do subconciously! They also look like twins often, but especially if you cover up Johns eyes and look at the lower half of his face, it's Dennis, or should I say their dad! LOL! We're excited! John is an awesome addition to the fam and he's a great UNCLE too!!
John, Me, and Denny in SUSPENSE as the Ravens and Steelers were playin!
Last Day of Ped's Clinical!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Oklahoma Fun!

SMOOCHAROO for Uncle Ronnie!

The Happy Couple!

Donder was lookin Hotsie Totsie in her dress!

My favorite Aunty!!!
We had lots of fun this trip to Oklahoma! Turned out to be cheaper to have our babysitter watch the boys for 4 days than for us to buy 2 more plane tickets! LOL! So we went to Oklahoma for Stevie's weddin alone! It was awkward!! We've never been anywhere without them like this before! So we watched a movie like everynight! LOL! But we had a blast! Got to see the whole family and even got to do some horse riding! It was the first time Dennis had been able to visit in like 2 years or somethin, so it was extra special! And STEVIE finally got married! His wifey is Melissa, and they already had the same last name! LOL! But they weren't related, so no worries! :) They had their 1st kiss at the alter (AWWWW) And they just moved into their 1st home together! So exciting! We stayed with my Pa and got to spend lots of time with everyone, but not as much as I'd liked to with Brookun. 4 days just wasn't enough! I probably wont be able to visit again until sometime after I graduate, but I'm hopin everyone can make it out to my graduation in May! WOWOWO! I'm done in MAY!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Holy Cow I need to update this thing more!
I apologize ya'll! I'm such a loser! I need to get back into the habit of updatin this biz! And takin pictures! But we're sooo busy! I've got 1 year of nursing school left!!! Next May I'll be a RN!! WOOHOO! So we've just been hangin with the fam as much as we can! MeeMaw bought the boys a swingset last year, so we got it up before the summer this year. So I push Kalan in his little car and Kaiden rides his bike, and we go play on the swingset at MeeMaws! We got to the beach a couple of times this year, 1 swimming, the other to watch the air show. It didn't really happen though, the fog prevented the full out show, but ohs a wells! I've started working at the ER here. I'm super excited, it's really awesome! I get to do a lot of skills!! The plan is for me to be able to switch from the tech position to a nursing position once I graduate!! I love the ER! Except the morgue business....ya, I can handle dead bodies all day long, but u send me to the morgue and I get creeped out majorly! All them zombie movies!! Now it's just a matter of gettin this sleeping/day care biz together. Always Always have daycare issues!! But we're a making it!! And we're goin to Oklahoma next week for a visit!! My cuzin Stevie's gettin hitched!!! Fun Times Fun Times!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Pre-School Graduation
Kaiden graduated from Preschool on Thursday, the 7th of May! He apparently wants to be a bear when he grows up??!! LOL! He told me he wanted to be a monster truck driver! He and his buddy diego got the award "Two Peas in a Pod" Because wherever there was one, there was another! They had a field trip to petsmart and he told me they wouldn't let them sit next to eachother!! LOL! But I don't blame them, cuz they just feed off of eachother and go nuts! It was so cute though! They sang songs, Kaiden, rushed to the stage to get his award, and then it was over! :( My little big guy is growin up!!!!

Walking into graduation
Walking into graduation
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