HAHA! NOT! So I went into labor about 8 hours before my normal doc came back from Vacation/could get a sitter for her kids. TRUST ME I TRIED TO GET HER!! So with her, Dr. Ravasio, I had already decided and signed to have my tubes tied (seared LOL) during the C-Section. But alas, the other doc was so worried about me being so young and Lord forbid something were to happen to the kiddo's or my husband, what if I wanted to have another one down the road. A replacement baby I guess? I was so upset and scared to decide now. I knew I was done, but what would I feel in that situation? Would I want another baby? Then he told me about the GLORIOUS Mirena IUD. It essentially sounds amazing and for any normal person without the worst female part luck, prolly would be great! No fuss Birth Control for 5 years! And can get immediately preggerz after you get it taken out??!! SO.....
Speed to current day. My IUD has been originally thought to have been expelled by my uterus, from a $200 Ultrasound (U/S), is now found by a $20 U/S that shows it is malpositioned. I need an outpatient procedure with a scope/ultrasound during to get it out. BUT I went to Dr. Elizabeth Pernal of Eastern Shore OBGYN and she laughed when I said I was told by previous doc I needed OR time for this/anesthesia! She told me she could just do it right there in the office and said scoot on down! So as she goes in after it, I am immediately hit with excruciating pain. Guys, I have a rather high threshold for pain. I normally don't cry from pain. But after 10 minutes of her LITERALLY FISHING IN MY UTERUS, I was flooded with tears. I had been screaming and almost jumping off the table!! She was like sorry I'm hurting you but I just can't find it. She wasn't using anything but the previous report from my U/S. But I haven't even gone through nursing school yet and I know that it's free floating in my uterus and moves! Anyways, so I was in agonizing pain crying crying crying in pain, and she says, well guess now we do have to go to the OR!!!! WHAT??!!! OMG! She couldn't find it after all that. At least this time she will be using a U/S during and I WILL BE OUT!! LOrdy, what was she thinking?? I DUNNO!! But now I'm in worse pain than I was with the stupid malpositioned IUD! Ain't I lucky??
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Addition to the Fam!

PRESENTING HEMMY FISH KEENER! We went into Wal-Mart for ABSOLUTELY nothing today. I had to return a movie to the Redbox! And we took a stroll...got some throw pillows, couple of shirts, a new "E" for Kaiden's name on his wall in his room, and then we went to say hi to the fishies! THEN, Kalan went nutso, WOOOOOOW!! OHHHHH! WOW!! And since he just had his MR. Pee Pee sliced and diced....I just couldn't deny my love! So we got a fish bowl and embarked on picking one out. The fish guy said Beta's are the lowest maintenece guys and are loners too! We can't be having lots of fish, and apparently this guy fights with others. He was fighting his reflection a bit in the plastic bowl! LOL! So there you have it! Our kid's first pet! I was driving home thinking, gee golly, I just made a new chore for me! Get to clean ol' Hemmy's tank every week! YIPPEE! At least the kiddo's are happy, until they forget about him in a week!
Kalan's Surgery and Update
Kalan had his Circumcision Revision done finally on the 8th! It was successful and he did great! They had me go back to the OR with him and hold him until they held him down and put the mask on him to put him to sleep. It was very unsettling seeing my little man held down and fight, fight, fight, then OUT!! I don't reccommend that to anyone! The 1st night was bad because everytime he went pee he would fly! He was climbing the walls trying to get away from the pain. Screaming bloody murder! It was very sad. We had to call the doc and get the dosage upped. He only needed it for the 1st day because he had a caudal done. This is where they do a spinal that numbs only what would touch a saddle. It lasted from 11am to about 5:30 and we gave him a dose of his meds. He fell asleep for a few hours and we got home, went to Dennis' ma's for dinner, and almost as soon as we got home the pain hit him. But after the 1st day and half he only needed the normal dosage. Now he's climbing all over me and going nuts. You would never think he's got stitches in his Mr. PeePee!! Except when he falls! He's so stinking cute he's trying to type right now! It will take about 4-6weeks to completely heal and 3 weeks until he can straddle us, like carry him on the hip, or any toys.
Now me on the other hand, I'm falling apart. Most of you know I had the joyous option to have my tubes tied with My C-Section. I chose to and then I went into labor 8 hours earlier than my scheduled C-section and got a diff doc and he talked me into getting an IUD instead. Well it lasted for a good year or so and then I couldn't find my strings. Had an Ultrasound (U/S) done and they said my uterus expelled it. So got on Birth control and had another U/S done last week to check to see if my cyst on my ovary was gone. THEY FOUND MY IUD! And it was malpositioned. Hilarious that I paid 200 bones and they didn't see it, but this one was only 20 and they saw it right away! So now I have to have surgery of some sort to get it out because the strings to get it out are in my uterus. I haven't heard anything about what exactly they will do yet. They said it's an outpatient procedure and I have to be put under. They are working on getting me some kind of health insurance, the case manager at the doc I see. I go back on the 25th and will find out the exacts then, but I'm pretty sure there is no cutting just using a scope and then pulling it out with an IUD hook. But we'll see. I will let ya know! Pray for me though cuz it hurts!! And hurts right now too!
Now me on the other hand, I'm falling apart. Most of you know I had the joyous option to have my tubes tied with My C-Section. I chose to and then I went into labor 8 hours earlier than my scheduled C-section and got a diff doc and he talked me into getting an IUD instead. Well it lasted for a good year or so and then I couldn't find my strings. Had an Ultrasound (U/S) done and they said my uterus expelled it. So got on Birth control and had another U/S done last week to check to see if my cyst on my ovary was gone. THEY FOUND MY IUD! And it was malpositioned. Hilarious that I paid 200 bones and they didn't see it, but this one was only 20 and they saw it right away! So now I have to have surgery of some sort to get it out because the strings to get it out are in my uterus. I haven't heard anything about what exactly they will do yet. They said it's an outpatient procedure and I have to be put under. They are working on getting me some kind of health insurance, the case manager at the doc I see. I go back on the 25th and will find out the exacts then, but I'm pretty sure there is no cutting just using a scope and then pulling it out with an IUD hook. But we'll see. I will let ya know! Pray for me though cuz it hurts!! And hurts right now too!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Happy Birthday TO MEEEEEE!!

Today is my Birfday Olay! THE BIG 24! I got to sleep in this morning!! WOOHOO! And then I got this BEAUTIFUL CARD from Dennis and the boys! The hands are Dennis', Kaidens, then Kalans! SO CUTE!! Kaiden and Kalan both did the coloring! Then we went to church, out to eat at Uno, and to Cold Stone for some Ice cream! IT WAS WONDEROUS! Thank you all for all the B-day wishes, wish we could all be together!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
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