1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

3 Months

My Kaiden!!!
I cannot even believe that I've got a 3 year old!! I remember that day so VIVIDLY in my mind! SCREAMING bloody murder from contractions on the couch with Dennis "timing" contractions. HAHA, I was literally SCREAMING in his ear and he was konked out! Then lying in bed on my side, having my epidural work on one side, contraction on the other. And then after 2 full days of labor, 1 full of pain, they tell me that Kaiden just ain't coming out on his own and they gotta go in there and get him. And at 11:59 PM on 3/5 /05 My Kaiden came into the world cried and pee'd all over everyone!!! HAHAH! That's my boy!
I am seriously amazed that he's 3. He's so stinking smart and next school year he'll be starting PRESCHOOL HOLY COW!! He kept saying I'll be 3 in March and we kept saying, Kaiden you are 3 today. And he's saying, I'm 3 in March!! LOL! Then everytime we would go by Chucke Cheese we'd have to tell him it was closed so he wouldn't have a cow and Dennis took him for lunch there for his birthday. He kept saying, MOMMY, CHUCKE CHEESE IS OPEN!! I said yup, just for your birthday buddy! He can't WAIT until Saturday. He keeps asking, when's my birthday coming mommy? LOL! He's getting anxious!! Can't wait to see everyone on Saturday!
1 comment:
Aww, hope he has a great time Saturday, sorry we can't make it :(
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