WARNING!!! Possible Offensive Material to Father, wife, and My Mother. Don't read if your going to get all huffy!
So, for those of you who have been hiding, my parents ended their 25 year marriage and 6 months later my father got remarried. I guess I am like any child of divorced parents, even though I'm 23, with the grandeur ellusion that they would get back together again! That they would eventually realize they were supposed to annoy eachother forever. Alas, my mother is getting married and my dad has been for a year or so.
It's actually quite disheartening, I hate to say. I still sit back and remember how it seems just yesterday that Dennis and I were sitting on the back porch talking up a storm with my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle, Sister and Family, and my mom and Dad. Then we'd all eventually go inside and watch a movie, play some Uno Attack, or just keep on talking. Heck, I still remember hauling square bails with the whole gang!! That was AGES ago. MEMORIES!!! I just really miss it all. Especially makes me miss my grandpa too. Now, if I do sit and think more, I remember all of the bad things too. But lucky for me, the good things stick out far more than the bad. Oh Well, things change for the better or for the worse. What's even funnier is I really miss our cat's!! CHESTER! AWW FAT FAT CHESTER! Jumping up and smacking everyone in the face that he didn't like. Just being fat! And, as Joshie would call him, maxie pads!! HAHAHA! Lots of good memories out on the farm! OK, I'm done reminiscing!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Kalan's 1st Birthday
So today we had lunch at Coins in OC and celebrated Kalan's 1st birthday with our family. It was fun! Kalan REALLY enjoyed his cake! And Kaiden was such a good helper with opening the presents and blowing out Kalan's Candle for him!

Kalan REALLY didn't want Kaiden to be touching him!!! LOL!

Cake time started like this

And Ended like this. You have to watch the video!! SO HILARIOUS!

Kalan REALLY didn't want Kaiden to be touching him!!! LOL!

Cake time started like this

And Ended like this. You have to watch the video!! SO HILARIOUS!

My Baby isn't a baby anymore!!! :(
Happy Easter
So the easter bunny came and left the boys their baskets and Kaiden got candy and Airplanes and Kalan got a soft fuzzy ducky and lots of easter eggs (empty and plastic) to play with. Kaiden is so funny, because he didn't come wake us up and didn't notice the HUGE basket sitting behind the pillows on the couch. He came upstairs when Kalan woke up and I asked if the Easter bunny had brought him anything. He said no?? All puzzled we went downstairs and I said, Kaiden, what's that behind the pillows? Then he said, and I quote, "The Easter bunny hid my basket behind the pillows, He's silly! HAHA! Leave it to Kaiden to give us a good laugh!! Then we got dressed and headed outside before we went to Easter dinner and found all the eggs that the Easter bunny had left behind!! SO MUCH CANDY!!

Fixing to Dye Easter eggs!

THIS IS THE BEST FACE EVER!!! HE's SO into his airplanes!

And Kaiden was so blessed with SO MUCH CANDY, that he went and gave filled eggs to all the kids in the complex!

Fixing to Dye Easter eggs!

THIS IS THE BEST FACE EVER!!! HE's SO into his airplanes!

And Kaiden was so blessed with SO MUCH CANDY, that he went and gave filled eggs to all the kids in the complex!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Dear Tarin,
Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to begin the junior level undergraduate nurisng curriculum at Salisbury University this fall.
WOOHO! I bet everyone thought I was nuts as I ripped open the mail and literally started DANCING!! It was mailed Yesterday!! I'm so glad the mail was actually fast for once. Yippee! ONly 2 more years until I can actually start making some money!!
Dennis brought me these when he came home from work. I'm so special!!

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to begin the junior level undergraduate nurisng curriculum at Salisbury University this fall.
WOOHO! I bet everyone thought I was nuts as I ripped open the mail and literally started DANCING!! It was mailed Yesterday!! I'm so glad the mail was actually fast for once. Yippee! ONly 2 more years until I can actually start making some money!!
Dennis brought me these when he came home from work. I'm so special!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Kaiden's Party

Kaiden had SO MUCH fun today! He came home and passed out. We were there from 12-3:30 playing, with a little bit of cake and presents in between. He was just going and going and it was torture tearing him away from everything. This party was much easier on us, because they had a hostess, so I wasn't doing everything by myself, THANK GOODNESS! We finally went through all of our toy and gave them away, because I know we're just going to be getting more and our small house can't handle it all! Next stop KALAN's 1st BIRTHDAY! WOOT!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Exciting development that Kalan can now climb the stairs! The scariest part? He doesn't understand that he can plummit down at any moment!! Baby gates are BACK into our lives...SO ANNOYING! But worth it to keep the little booger at bay!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
3 In March
1st Birthday

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

3 Months

My Kaiden!!!
I cannot even believe that I've got a 3 year old!! I remember that day so VIVIDLY in my mind! SCREAMING bloody murder from contractions on the couch with Dennis "timing" contractions. HAHA, I was literally SCREAMING in his ear and he was konked out! Then lying in bed on my side, having my epidural work on one side, contraction on the other. And then after 2 full days of labor, 1 full of pain, they tell me that Kaiden just ain't coming out on his own and they gotta go in there and get him. And at 11:59 PM on 3/5 /05 My Kaiden came into the world cried and pee'd all over everyone!!! HAHAH! That's my boy!
I am seriously amazed that he's 3. He's so stinking smart and next school year he'll be starting PRESCHOOL HOLY COW!! He kept saying I'll be 3 in March and we kept saying, Kaiden you are 3 today. And he's saying, I'm 3 in March!! LOL! Then everytime we would go by Chucke Cheese we'd have to tell him it was closed so he wouldn't have a cow and Dennis took him for lunch there for his birthday. He kept saying, MOMMY, CHUCKE CHEESE IS OPEN!! I said yup, just for your birthday buddy! He can't WAIT until Saturday. He keeps asking, when's my birthday coming mommy? LOL! He's getting anxious!! Can't wait to see everyone on Saturday!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
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