Thursday, March 5, 2009


HORRRRRRRIBLE PICS OF MOMMY! And Kaiden wouldn't smile!
So today my little monster turned 4!! I can't believe it's been that long, just doesn't seem real. I was just reading his baby book and laughing because I said our plans for the future were to have a baby sister for him! LOL! NEGATIVE ON THAT ONE! We changed our minds shortly after becoming parents! LOL! And funny cuz I was reading about how effaced I was, dilated, and position of Kaiden ( -3) and now I know what all the biz means! But I really can't believe it. I was still in friggin labor right now! He didn't come till 1145pm! So, still got almost 2 hours to go!
Today Kaiden took cupcakes to school and turned everyone blue from the icing! LOL! They made him a special hat and a pin that said It's my Birthday, then his name! Then Kalan and I met daddy and Kaiden at Miss Emily's and sang him happy b-day, he blew out the candle and then opened his 1 present for today. It was spongebob connect 4! And then Sunday we are meeting family at CoCo's! He's excited! Still can't believe 4 YEARS!!! INSANE!!

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