We finally got our pumpkins! We went to Aunty Crystal's (Systle) house and carved pumpkins, well I carved the boys poked theirs. Dennis had to go to Baltimore for the post office business so he couldn't come :( But we made the best of it! We had fun with the boys and then watched movies after we put them to bed

Showing off their masterpieces

OH NO! Kalan turned into a pumpkin!

The morning after!! MMM Peanut Butter Crunch!

So, on Oct 1st, EXACTLY, I put up Halloween decorations and am just now getting around to putting them up! LOL! Here's the boys behind the enter if you dare tape and our lighting pumpkin in the window.

Showing off our glorious pumpkins, but daddy still hasn't gotten to his yet! Notice the sizes? It's a family of pumpkins!

And here's a further back pic, notice the blood oooooozing from the window

And here's a horrible pic of it all. Yes, it is true, it was dark! LOL! But there are skull stakes that we can't plug in and cobwebs. We actually started a trend and now every apartment but one on our row has spider webs on their bushes! We had tons of fun putting them up and doing the pumpkins!
awwwww! it looks so cute, tarin!
Oh!! Love to see the cute decoration and cute kids!! Pumpkins are looking very special!! I have seen nice stuff for indoor Halloween decor at Meijer...
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