Kalan Didn't like the sand on his feet like everyone else did!
My friend Molly, originally from Canada, is my friend from Ft. Sill. Her husband, John, was in Dennis' old unit and was unlucky enough to deploy with them to Africa a week or so ago. Since it is going to be such a long deployment and he's going to be finished with the Army when they get back, she's going back home to Canada. She drove all over the coast to hit friends and family on her way home and we were one of the lucky ones who got to see her!! She got here Saturday evening and is leaving this morning, but it was sooo great to see her! We had loads of fun. Kaiden and Molly got to "build castles" and got some shells, and even got water on their feet!! Kaiden also discovered why not to throw sand in the air when it's windy, because it comes right back into your face!! LOL! But Molly was saying how theraputic it was to go to the beach and dig your feet in the sand, and she was sooo right!! I love it! Molly ROCKS!

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