SMOOCHAROO for Uncle Ronnie!

The Happy Couple!

Donder was lookin Hotsie Totsie in her dress!

My favorite Aunty!!!
We had lots of fun this trip to Oklahoma! Turned out to be cheaper to have our babysitter watch the boys for 4 days than for us to buy 2 more plane tickets! LOL! So we went to Oklahoma for Stevie's weddin alone! It was awkward!! We've never been anywhere without them like this before! So we watched a movie like everynight! LOL! But we had a blast! Got to see the whole family and even got to do some horse riding! It was the first time Dennis had been able to visit in like 2 years or somethin, so it was extra special! And STEVIE finally got married! His wifey is Melissa, and they already had the same last name! LOL! But they weren't related, so no worries! :) They had their 1st kiss at the alter (AWWWW) And they just moved into their 1st home together! So exciting! We stayed with my Pa and got to spend lots of time with everyone, but not as much as I'd liked to with Brookun. 4 days just wasn't enough! I probably wont be able to visit again until sometime after I graduate, but I'm hopin everyone can make it out to my graduation in May! WOWOWO! I'm done in MAY!!!