These are Kaiden and Kalan's footprints and I wrote their names in the sand. One day when I get a good camera I'm going to do this! Wouldn't that be such a cute pic?

As if my camera didn't suck enough!! We went to take this Assateague boat tour and I forgot my camera so we were left with the cell phone photo's! ACK! But we passed by that pirate ship!! I want to take the boys on it when Kalan is a little older! They will have so much fun!!! But we went on this boat ride and it took us throughout the bay showing stuff and the insane houses lining the beach!! Then we went to a part of assateague island and got off to go "clam diving" diggin or something or other. Basically we had nets and got seaweed in them! LOL! It was so much fun and Kaiden still talks about it! It was so nice and relaxing too.
August 25th I had my "surgery"!! Well kind of, it was more of an outpatient procedure at first. It was to take out my IUD, but it turned out that part of my IUD had attached to the wall of my uterus!! Or my tissue grew onto part of it! So joyous for me it's been 20 days of bleeding!! Including 5 of Aunt Flo, the rest form doc messing with my IUD/surgery! It's no fun and is showing no sign of stopping!! I go back on the 19th so I'm hoping it will have stopped!!! I tell you what I'm pretty annoyed and still in pain! It's not as bad unless my body goes through a surge and then I feel like my ovaries are exploding! UGGHHH!
Now!! I started school on the 2nd!! We went to an orientation, Class on Wednesday, and clinical orientation today. This is going to be one heck of a ride!! Sucky thing is the bookstore really did a number on me and our pocket book!! They had the wrong edition of our books in and so when I went to get the ISBN# of the books to look up on half.com I bought the wrong books! So now I had to pay full price, on top of what I already paid for the not useable books, and had to get the right ones. Plus the one book that was correct isn't in yet and I need it for tomorrow! LUCKY ME! They are something interesting right now our uniforms are backordered too! But they got their money so they ain't worried I guess! But I do get to do an entire day at some point to watch/help with surgeries!! That's going to be the coolest!! But our schedule is packed, got insanity due every week! But I'm praying like crazy, got the good Lord on my side. Hoping that since this is what I want to do that I just GET IT and it won't be sooo bad, Ya know??
And... the boys started back at daycare. It's Dawn's house and they love it there. Kalan don't even want anything to do with us when we come to get him! He doesn't even want to leave! And he no longer cries when I leave. I know I know, such a good sign and good big boy, but at least I knew he wanted me!! LOL! I miss spending the time with them already! It's sad because I'm never going to have as much time to just hang out with them, like I did this summer!! But we'll get through these 2 years and life will be grand!