I'M DONE!!! At least until Monday! I survived through the worst class in history! Just some advice, never take A&P II in 2 weeks, unless you have a professor willing to cut out the unecessary and focus on, clueing you in also, what is required. We had the teacher who wanted us to learn EVERYTHING! I'm not kidding, 5 chapters, no focus on what will be on the test, actually that was the one question we could not ask him. KNOW EVERYTHING! Then you get to the test, and the questions are about the finite details of certain things, out of 5 chapters in 4 days. These chapters consist of 50 pages each, the book is MASSIVE, and when he asks questions he refers to them as "TRICKY not trick questions" because the answers consisted of 2 wrong and 2 right, but you had to chose the most right answer! UMMMM??? And when you only have no time to study, you can't get that in depth, impossible. The 1st test was 200 questions and the 5 chapters. NUTS! Then we had lab on top of that. It was just craziness! But amazingly someone actually made a 100 in the class!! He was going to adjust the grading scale at the end to accomidate the bell curve, but 3 of the smartest people managed to screw that up. So everyone else got screwed! NO REALLY, there were 4 B's 3 A's, 12 C's and 2 D's. NUTS NUTS NUTS! So depressing. I got a B. Now getting into nursing school is going to be one of the hardest things ever! STUPID SU! They start your GPA over, so when I make 2 B's, I do not have the cushion of the 60 previous credits. NOT COOL! And apparently our class is the last that had Pre-admit's from Highschool's around. If you came straight to SU and declared nursing, then you were pre-admitted. So now there are only 60 or less slots. Ya, not cool! Monday I embark on the next set of insanity. And I have the same teacher for my Pathophysiology class that I had this Winter class for. He's a nice person, really nice, but is the worst teacher I've ever encountered in all 6 of my previous Colleges! THAT'S SAYING SOMETHING!
The kiddo's are doing AWESOME! Kalan finally figured out that normal crawling is much easier than his scooting and does that now. He's been pulling up and cruisin a little bit. He gives kisses when your lucky! He has to be in the mood. Kaiden never gave kisses, so I am eating it up. And he doesn't just give kisses to anyone, usually just me and here lately Kaiden.
DENNIS GOT A CALL BACK FOR FRUITLAND PD! WOO! He goes to take the written test on Feb.2nd. We're pretty excited! And we found out that he can draw his GI Bill for the 6 or so months that he will be in the academy, plus not have to pay for the classes and stuff. GOOD STUFF! Besides that, not anything else going on. Just cruisin on my way to NURSING SCHOOL!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Break!

HAHAH! Isn't Kaiden Hilarious? That thing is a lifesaver! So, for those of you who don't know we took a trip to good 'ol' Okiehoma! MAN! 3 planes and 9 1/2 hours!!! BLAH! Kaiden was pretty good and Kalan was just constantly turning around and around in my lap. He didn't sleep too much and Kaiden slept even less. The way home was about the same. It was just the boys and I, Dennis had to work. We left the day after Christmas and got home on the 1st around 5:30. We had a pretty good visit. A bit emotional everytime I went to my grandma's house though. It took me a bit just to get up the nerve to go over there. I wanted to see my grandma, but just the thought of going there and my grandpa not being there tore me up. But I was so happy to see everyone and we alternated staying at My Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Donna's house and my Dad's place.

This pic cracks me up! I got one of both the kids. I would get one of these chairs, but TRUST ME, we got enough goin on, we don't need something else in the mix!

There's my favorite UNCLE!!

And my favorite Auntie with Kaiden learning to skate! He did pretty good for a 1st timer! We went skating for Jayden's 8th birthday, my niece. I can't believe my sister has been a mommy for 8 years!!

And NOW!! WHEW! I'm taking this class. I should probably be studying right now, but I cant't, I'm fixin to go hit the sack after I give the kids a bath. We started on Thursday, had our 1st test this Monday on 1 chapter, not too bad, except he gave us no clue as to what was going to be on the test! Then we had 4 chapters of lab test on Wednesday and a 5 chapter lecture test today. Thursday was little better, but today!! 200 QUESTIONS! It was the hardest test I've ever taken and I'm almost positive, that unless God answers my prayers I FAILED MISERABLY! No joking! I don't actually know my score yet, but I'm sure it's no good! He told us the immune system was only going to be these few questions, and then it turned out being 60!!! Ya, nuts nuts nuts! The class ends on the 23rd, so it's only 2 1/2 weeks. I have been wanting to post these pics and about our trip, but seriously have had no time. I'm so miserable right now! I got 2 hours of sleep on Tuesday and maybe 2 yesterday night. I'm exhausted and sick! I was puking all day yesterday and have felt icky all day today, and no I'm not pregnant there are other things accompanying this wonderful sickness clearly stating otherwise. LOL! I just thought I'd throw that out there in case my wonderful family thought outloud. :) Welp, I"m off to bed. I'll report back when I'm done with this insanity! LOVE YA BUNCHES
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